“U.S. employees spend more than one-third of their time in meetings, yet 71% of senior managers think meetings are unproductive.”
Bad meetings are a tax on performance and a drain on energy and engagement. Bad meetings don't just waste time and ruin a pleasant day — bad meetings make bad companies.
What's more, the number of meetings is going up as work increasingly relies on teams and cross-department collaboration. Our new report documents the organizational cost of unproductive meetings.
Building better meetings
In good meetings, people share ideas, make decisions, and coordinate plans. The best meetings go further: they inspire us to pursue aspirational goals and make us feel we're all in it together.
Over the past two years, we've studied what makes good meetings different. The answer is simple. It's about how people behave.
The best agenda or pre-reads don't make up for bad meeting behaviors, while the right meeting behaviors can overcome poor planning or faulty technology.
Moving from a culture of bad meetings to good meetings means getting participants to practice more of the right behaviors and fewer of the wrong ones.

why convolens is different
ConvoLens is a digital tool that "fixes" meetings in a whole new way. Unlike traditional approaches that target meeting processes and structure (define the meeting agenda, limiting attendees, etc.) or technologies for facilitating collaboration between participants, ConvoLens focuses on what matters most: the behavior of people in the meeting.
ConvoLens allows you, as team leader, project manager, or facilitator to track and analyze people's behaviors and
interactions in a meeting setting to identify strengths and uncover specific opportunities for improvement.
ConvoLens allows you to analyze the group's overall interactions as well as pinpoint which individuals are modeling productive meeting behaviors and which may be holding the group back. Once you identify these patterns, you have the actionable intelligence needed to immediately improve the dynamics and value of your meetings.

The ConvoLens free Beta is open to first 50 users. Sign up today using the below form.
Here’s a sneak peek of the app.